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AvailableApiVersion (BaseModel) pydantic-model

A JSON object containing information about an available API version

url: AnyHttpUrl pydantic-field required

A string specifying a versioned base URL that MUST adhere to the rules in section Base URL

version: SemanticVersion pydantic-field required

A string containing the full version number of the API served at that versioned base URL. The version number string MUST NOT be prefixed by, e.g., 'v'. Examples: 1.0.0, 1.0.0-rc.2.

crosscheck_url_and_version(values) classmethod

Check that URL version and API version are compatible.

Source code in optimade/models/
@root_validator(pre=False, skip_on_failure=True)
def crosscheck_url_and_version(cls, values):
    """ Check that URL version and API version are compatible. """
    url_version = (
        .split("/")[-2 if values["url"].endswith("/") else -1]
        .replace("v", "")
    # as with version urls, we need to split any release tags or build metadata out of these URLs
    url_version = tuple(
        int(val) for val in url_version.split("-")[0].split("+")[0].split(".")
    api_version = tuple(
        int(val) for val in values["version"].split("-")[0].split("+")[0].split(".")
    if any(a != b for a, b in zip(url_version, api_version)):
        raise ValueError(
            f"API version {api_version} is not compatible with url version {url_version}."
    return values

url_must_be_versioned_base_url(v) classmethod

The URL must be a valid versioned Base URL

Source code in optimade/models/
def url_must_be_versioned_base_url(cls, v):
    """The URL must be a valid versioned Base URL"""
    if not re.match(r".+/v[0-1](\.[0-9]+)*/?$", v):
        raise ValueError(f"url MUST be a versioned base URL. It is: {v}")
    return v

BaseInfoAttributes (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Attributes for Base URL Info endpoint

api_version: SemanticVersion pydantic-field required

Presently used full version of the OPTIMADE API. The version number string MUST NOT be prefixed by, e.g., "v". Examples: 1.0.0, 1.0.0-rc.2.

available_api_versions: List[optimade.models.baseinfo.AvailableApiVersion] pydantic-field required

A list of dictionaries of available API versions at other base URLs

available_endpoints: List[str] pydantic-field required

List of available endpoints (i.e., the string to be appended to the versioned base URL).

entry_types_by_format: Dict[str, List[str]] pydantic-field required

Available entry endpoints as a function of output formats.

formats: List[str] pydantic-field

List of available output formats.

is_index: bool pydantic-field

If true, this is an index meta-database base URL (see section Index Meta-Database). If this member is not provided, the client MUST assume this is not an index meta-database base URL (i.e., the default is for is_index to be false).

formats_and_endpoints_must_be_valid(v, values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
@validator("entry_types_by_format", check_fields=False)
def formats_and_endpoints_must_be_valid(cls, v, values):
    for format_, endpoints in v.items():
        if format_ not in values["formats"]:
            raise ValueError(f"'{format_}' must be listed in formats to be valid")
        for endpoint in endpoints:
            if endpoint not in values["available_endpoints"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"'{endpoint}' must be listed in available_endpoints to be valid"
    return v

BaseInfoResource (Resource) pydantic-model