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EntryInfoProperty (BaseModel) pydantic-model

description: str pydantic-field required

A human-readable description of the entry property

sortable: bool pydantic-field

Defines whether the entry property can be used for sorting with the "sort" parameter. If the entry listing endpoint supports sorting, this key MUST be present for sortable properties with value true.

type: DataType pydantic-field

The type of the property's value. This MUST be any of the types defined in the Data types section. For the purpose of compatibility with future versions of this specification, a client MUST accept values that are not string values specifying any of the OPTIMADE Data types, but MUST then also disregard the type field. Note, if the value is a nested type, only the outermost type should be reported. E.g., for the entry resource structures, the species property is defined as a list of dictionaries, hence its type value would be list.

unit: str pydantic-field

The physical unit of the entry property. This MUST be a valid representation of units according to version 2.1 of The Unified Code for Units of Measure. It is RECOMMENDED that non-standard (non-SI) units are described in the description for the property.

EntryInfoResource (BaseModel) pydantic-model

description: str pydantic-field required

Description of the entry.

formats: List[str] pydantic-field required

List of output formats available for this type of entry.

output_fields_by_format: Dict[str, List[str]] pydantic-field required

Dictionary of available output fields for this entry type, where the keys are the values of the formats list and the values are the keys of the properties dictionary.

properties: Dict[str, optimade.models.entries.EntryInfoProperty] pydantic-field required

A dictionary describing queryable properties for this entry type, where each key is a property name.

EntryRelationships (Relationships) pydantic-model

This model wraps the JSON API Relationships to include type-specific top level keys.

references: ReferenceRelationship pydantic-field

Object containing links to relationships with entries of the references type.

structures: StructureRelationship pydantic-field

Object containing links to relationships with entries of the structures type.

EntryResource (Resource) pydantic-model

The base model for an entry resource.

EntryResourceAttributes (Attributes) pydantic-model

Contains key-value pairs representing the entry's properties.

immutable_id: str pydantic-field

The entry's immutable ID (e.g., an UUID). This is important for databases having preferred IDs that point to "the latest version" of a record, but still offer access to older variants. This ID maps to the version-specific record, in case it changes in the future.

  • Type: string.

  • Requirements/Conventions:

    • Support: OPTIONAL support in implementations, i.e., MAY be null.
    • Query: MUST be a queryable property with support for all mandatory filter features.
  • Examples:

    • "8bd3e750-b477-41a0-9b11-3a799f21b44f"
    • "fjeiwoj,54;@=%<>#32" (Strings that are not URL-safe are allowed.)

last_modified: datetime pydantic-field required

Date and time representing when the entry was last modified.

  • Type: timestamp.

  • Requirements/Conventions:

    • Support: SHOULD be supported by all implementations, i.e., SHOULD NOT be null.
    • Query: MUST be a queryable property with support for all mandatory filter features.
    • Response: REQUIRED in the response unless the query parameter response_fields is present and does not include this property.
  • Example:

ReferenceRelationship (TypedRelationship) pydantic-model

StructureRelationship (TypedRelationship) pydantic-model

TypedRelationship (Relationship) pydantic-model

check_rel_type(data) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def check_rel_type(cls, data):
    if not isinstance(data, list):
        # All relationships at this point are empty-to-many relationships in JSON:API:
        raise ValueError("`data` key in a relationship must always store a list.")
    if hasattr(cls, "_req_type") and any(
        getattr(obj, "type", None) != cls._req_type for obj in data
        raise ValueError("Object stored in relationship data has wrong type")
    return data