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This module should reproduce JSON API v1.0

Attributes (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Members of the attributes object ("attributes") represent information about the resource object in which it's defined. The keys for Attributes MUST NOT be: relationships links id type


check_illegal_attributes_fields(values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def check_illegal_attributes_fields(cls, values):
    illegal_fields = ("relationships", "links", "id", "type")
    for field in illegal_fields:
        if field in values:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{illegal_fields} MUST NOT be fields under Attributes"
    return values

BaseResource (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Minimum requirements to represent a Resource

id: str pydantic-field required

Resource ID

type: str pydantic-field required

Resource type


schema_extra(schema, model) staticmethod

Ensure id and type are the first two entries in the list required properties.


This requires that id and type are the first model fields defined for all sub-models of BaseResource.

Source code in optimade/models/
def schema_extra(schema: Dict[str, Any], model: Type["BaseResource"]) -> None:
    """Ensure `id` and `type` are the first two entries in the list required properties.

        This _requires_ that `id` and `type` are the _first_ model fields defined
        for all sub-models of `BaseResource`.

    if "id" not in schema.get("required", []):
        schema["required"] = ["id"] + schema.get("required", [])
    if "type" not in schema.get("required", []):
        required = []
        for field in schema.get("required", []):
            if field == "id":
                # To make sure the property order match the listed properties,
                # this ensures "type" is added immediately after "id".
        schema["required"] = required

Error (BaseModel) pydantic-model

An error response

code: str pydantic-field

an application-specific error code, expressed as a string value.

detail: str pydantic-field

A human-readable explanation specific to this occurrence of the problem.

id: str pydantic-field

A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem.

A links object storing about

meta: Meta pydantic-field

a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the error.

source: ErrorSource pydantic-field

An object containing references to the source of the error

status: str pydantic-field

the HTTP status code applicable to this problem, expressed as a string value.

title: str pydantic-field

A short, human-readable summary of the problem. It SHOULD NOT change from occurrence to occurrence of the problem, except for purposes of localization.

__hash__(self) special

Return hash(self).

Source code in optimade/models/
def __hash__(self):
    return hash(self.json())

A Links object specific to Error objects

about: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

A link that leads to further details about this particular occurrence of the problem.

ErrorSource (BaseModel) pydantic-model

an object containing references to the source of the error

parameter: str pydantic-field

a string indicating which URI query parameter caused the error.

pointer: str pydantic-field

a JSON Pointer [RFC6901] to the associated entity in the request document [e.g. "/data" for a primary data object, or "/data/attributes/title" for a specific attribute].

JsonApi (BaseModel) pydantic-model

An object describing the server's implementation

meta: Meta pydantic-field

Non-standard meta information

version: str pydantic-field

Version of the json API used

A link MUST be represented as either: a string containing the link's URL or a link object.

href: AnyUrl pydantic-field required

a string containing the link’s URL.

meta: Meta pydantic-field

a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about the link.

Meta (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Non-standard meta-information that can not be represented as an attribute or relationship.


Relationship (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Representation references from the resource object in which it’s defined to other resource objects.

data: Union[optimade.models.jsonapi.BaseResource, List[optimade.models.jsonapi.BaseResource]] pydantic-field

Resource linkage

a links object containing at least one of the following: self, related

meta: Meta pydantic-field

a meta object that contains non-standard meta-information about the relationship.

at_least_one_relationship_key_must_be_set(values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def at_least_one_relationship_key_must_be_set(cls, values):
    for value in values.values():
        if value is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either 'links', 'data', or 'meta' MUST be specified for Relationship"
    return values

A resource object MAY contain references to other resource objects ("relationships"). Relationships may be to-one or to-many. Relationships can be specified by including a member in a resource's links object.

related: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

self: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

A link for the relationship itself (a 'relationship link'). This link allows the client to directly manipulate the relationship. When fetched successfully, this link returns the linkage for the related resources as its primary data. (See Fetching Relationships.)

Source code in optimade/models/
def either_self_or_related_must_be_specified(cls, values):
    for value in values.values():
        if value is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            "Either 'self' or 'related' MUST be specified for RelationshipLinks"
    return values

Relationships (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Members of the relationships object ("relationships") represent references from the resource object in which it's defined to other resource objects. Keys MUST NOT be: type id

check_illegal_relationships_fields(values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def check_illegal_relationships_fields(cls, values):
    illegal_fields = ("id", "type")
    for field in illegal_fields:
        if field in values:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{illegal_fields} MUST NOT be fields under Relationships"
    return values

Resource (BaseResource) pydantic-model

Resource objects appear in a JSON API document to represent resources.

attributes: Attributes pydantic-field

an attributes object representing some of the resource’s data.

a links object containing links related to the resource.

meta: Meta pydantic-field

a meta object containing non-standard meta-information about a resource that can not be represented as an attribute or relationship.

relationships: Relationships pydantic-field

Relationships object describing relationships between the resource and other JSON API resources.

A Resource Links object

self: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

A link that identifies the resource represented by the resource object.

Response (BaseModel) pydantic-model

A top-level response

data: Union[NoneType, optimade.models.jsonapi.Resource, List[optimade.models.jsonapi.Resource]] pydantic-field

Outputted Data

errors: List[optimade.models.jsonapi.Error] pydantic-field

A list of unique errors

included: List[optimade.models.jsonapi.Resource] pydantic-field

A list of unique included resources

jsonapi: JsonApi pydantic-field

Information about the JSON API used

Links associated with the primary data or errors

meta: Meta pydantic-field

A meta object containing non-standard information related to the Success


The specification mandates that datetimes must be encoded following RFC3339, which does not support fractional seconds, thus they must be stripped in the response. This can cause issues when the underlying database contains fields that do include microseconds, as filters may return unexpected results.

either_data_meta_or_errors_must_be_set(values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def either_data_meta_or_errors_must_be_set(cls, values):
    required_fields = ("data", "meta", "errors")
    if not any(values.get(field) for field in required_fields):
        raise ValueError(
            f"At least one of {required_fields} MUST be specified in the top-level response"
    return values

A set of Links objects, possibly including pagination

first: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

The first page of data

last: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

The last page of data

next: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

The next page of data

prev: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

The previous page of data

related: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

A related resource link

self: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field

A link to itself


The ToplevelLinks class allows any additional keys, as long as they are also Links or Urls themselves.

Source code in optimade/models/
def check_additional_keys_are_links(cls, values):
    """The `ToplevelLinks` class allows any additional keys, as long as
    they are also Links or Urls themselves.

    for key, value in values.items():
        if key not in cls.schema()["properties"]:
            values[key] = parse_obj_as(Optional[Union[AnyUrl, Link]], value)

    return values