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Aggregate (Enum)

Enumeration of aggregate values





LinkType (Enum)

Enumeration of link_type values





LinksResource (EntryResource) pydantic-model

A Links endpoint resource object

relationships_must_not_be_present(values) classmethod

Source code in optimade/models/
def relationships_must_not_be_present(cls, values):
    if values.get("relationships", None) is not None:
        raise ValueError('"relationships" is not allowed for links resources')
    return values

LinksResourceAttributes (Attributes) pydantic-model

Links endpoint resource object attributes

aggregate: Aggregate pydantic-field

A string indicating whether a client that is following links to aggregate results from different OPTIMADE implementations should follow this link or not. This flag SHOULD NOT be indicated for links where link_type is not child.

If not specified, clients MAY assume that the value is ok. If specified, and the value is anything different than ok, the client MUST assume that the server is suggesting not to follow the link during aggregation by default (also if the value is not among the known ones, in case a future specification adds new accepted values).

Specific values indicate the reason why the server is providing the suggestion. A client MAY follow the link anyway if it has reason to do so (e.g., if the client is looking for all test databases, it MAY follow the links marked with aggregate=test).

If specified, it MUST be one of the values listed in section Link Aggregate Options.

base_url: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field required

JSON API links object, pointing to the base URL for this implementation

description: str pydantic-field required

Human-readable description for the OPTIMADE API implementation, e.g., for use in clients to show a description to the end-user.

homepage: Union[pydantic.networks.AnyUrl, optimade.models.jsonapi.Link] pydantic-field required

JSON API links object, pointing to a homepage URL for this implementation

The type of the linked relation. MUST be one of these values: 'child', 'root', 'external', 'providers'.

name: str pydantic-field required

Human-readable name for the OPTIMADE API implementation, e.g., for use in clients to show the name to the end-user.

no_aggregate_reason: str pydantic-field

An OPTIONAL human-readable string indicating the reason for suggesting not to aggregate results following the link. It SHOULD NOT be present if aggregate=ok.