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LogLevel (Enum)

Replication of logging LogLevels

ServerConfig (BaseSettings) pydantic-model

This class stores server config parameters in a way that can be easily extended for new config file types.

aliases: Dict[Literal['links', 'references', 'structures'], Dict[str, str]] pydantic-field

A mapping between field names in the database with their corresponding OPTIMADE field names, broken down by endpoint.

base_url: str pydantic-field

Base URL for this implementation

config_file: str pydantic-field

File to load alternative defaults from

debug: bool pydantic-field

Turns on Debug Mode for the OPTIMADE Server implementation

default_db: str pydantic-field

ID of /links endpoint resource for the chosen default OPTIMADE implementation (only relevant for the index meta-database)

implementation: Implementation pydantic-field

Introspective information about this OPTIMADE implementation

index_base_url: AnyHttpUrl pydantic-field

An optional link to the base URL for the index meta-database of the provider.

Absolute path to a JSON file containing the MongoDB collection of /links resources for the index meta-database

length_aliases: Dict[Literal['links', 'references', 'structures'], Dict[str, str]] pydantic-field

A mapping between a list property (or otherwise) and an integer property that defines the length of that list, for example elements -> nelements. The standard aliases are applied first, so this dictionary must refer to the API fields, not the database fields.

Mongo collection name for /links endpoint resources

log_dir: Path pydantic-field

Folder in which log files will be saved.

log_level: LogLevel pydantic-field

Logging level for the OPTIMADE server.

mongo_database: str pydantic-field

Mongo database for collection data

mongo_uri: str pydantic-field

URI for the Mongo server

page_limit: int pydantic-field

Default number of resources per page

page_limit_max: int pydantic-field

Max allowed number of resources per page

provider: Provider pydantic-field

General information about the provider of this OPTIMADE implementation

provider_fields: Dict[Literal['links', 'references', 'structures'], List[str]] pydantic-field

A list of additional fields to be served with the provider's prefix attached, broken down by endpoint.

references_collection: str pydantic-field

Mongo collection name for /references endpoint resources

root_path: str pydantic-field

Sets the FastAPI app root_path parameter. This can be used to serve the API under a path prefix behind a proxy or as a sub-application of another FastAPI app. See for details.

structures_collection: str pydantic-field

Mongo collection name for /structures endpoint resources

use_real_mongo: bool pydantic-field

Use a real Mongo server rather than MongoMock


This is a pydantic model Config object that modifies the behaviour of ServerConfig by adding a prefix to the environment variables that override config file values. It has nothing to do with the OPTIMADE config.

load_settings(values) classmethod

Loads settings from a JSON config file, if available, and uses them in place of the built-in defaults.

Source code in optimade/server/
def load_settings(cls, values):
    Loads settings from a JSON config file, if available, and uses them in place
    of the built-in defaults.
    config_file_path = Path(values.get("config_file", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH))

    new_values = {}

    if config_file_path.is_file():
            with open(config_file_path) as f:
                new_values = json.load(f)
        except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
                f"Unable to parse config file {config_file_path} as JSON. Error: {exc}."

        if DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH != str(config_file_path):
                f"Unable to find config file in requested location {config_file_path}, "
                "using the built-in default settings instead."
                f"Unable to find config file in default location {DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}, "
                "using the built-in default settings instead."

    if not new_values:
        values["config_file"] = None


    return new_values

set_implementation_version(v) classmethod

Set defaults and modify bypassed value(s)

Source code in optimade/server/
@validator("implementation", pre=True)
def set_implementation_version(cls, v):
    """Set defaults and modify bypassed value(s)"""
    res = {"version": __version__}
    return res