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EntryCollection (ABC)

Backend-agnostic base class for querying collections of EntryResources.

all_fields: set property readonly

Get the set of all fields handled in this collection, from attribute fields in the schema, provider fields and top-level OPTIMADE fields.


Type Description

All fields handled in this collection.

__init__(self, collection, resource_cls, resource_mapper, transformer) special

Initialize the collection for the given parameters.


Name Type Description Default

The backend-specific collection.

resource_cls EntryResource

The EntryResource model that is stored by the collection.

resource_mapper BaseResourceMapper

A resource mapper object that handles aliases and format changes between deserialization and response.

transformer Transformer

The Lark Transformer used to interpret the filter.

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def __init__(
    resource_cls: EntryResource,
    resource_mapper: BaseResourceMapper,
    transformer: Transformer,
    """Initialize the collection for the given parameters.

        collection: The backend-specific collection.
        resource_cls (EntryResource): The `EntryResource` model
            that is stored by the collection.
        resource_mapper (BaseResourceMapper): A resource mapper
            object that handles aliases and format changes between
            deserialization and response.
        transformer (Transformer): The Lark `Transformer` used to
            interpret the filter.

    self.collection = collection
    self.parser = LarkParser()
    self.resource_cls = resource_cls
    self.resource_mapper = resource_mapper
    self.transformer = transformer

    self.provider_prefix = CONFIG.provider.prefix
    self.provider_fields = CONFIG.provider_fields.get(resource_mapper.ENDPOINT, [])

__len__(self) special

Returns the total number of entries in the collection.

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def __len__(self) -> int:
    """ Returns the total number of entries in the collection. """

count(self, **kwargs)

Returns the number of entries matching the query specified by the keyword arguments.


Name Type Description Default
kwargs dict

Query parameters as keyword arguments.

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def count(self, **kwargs) -> int:
    """Returns the number of entries matching the query specified
    by the keyword arguments.

        kwargs (dict): Query parameters as keyword arguments.


find(self, params)

Fetches results and indicates if more data is available.

Also gives the total number of data available in the absence of page_limit. See EntryListingQueryParams for more information.


Name Type Description Default
params EntryListingQueryParams

entry listing URL query params



Type Description
Tuple[List[optimade.models.entries.EntryResource], int, bool, set]

(results, data_returned, more_data_available, fields).

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def find(
    self, params: EntryListingQueryParams
) -> Tuple[List[EntryResource], int, bool, set]:
    Fetches results and indicates if more data is available.

    Also gives the total number of data available in the absence of `page_limit`.
    See [`EntryListingQueryParams`][optimade.server.query_params.EntryListingQueryParams]
    for more information.

        params (EntryListingQueryParams): entry listing URL query params

        (`results`, `data_returned`, `more_data_available`, `fields`).



Get the set of attribute fields from the schema of the resource class, resolving references along the way.


Type Description

Property names.

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def get_attribute_fields(self) -> set:
    """Get the set of attribute fields from the schema of the
    resource class, resolving references along the way.

        Property names.

    schema = self.resource_cls.schema()
    attributes = schema["properties"]["attributes"]
    if "allOf" in attributes:
        allOf = attributes.pop("allOf")
        for dict_ in allOf:
    if "$ref" in attributes:
        path = attributes["$ref"].split("/")[1:]
        attributes = schema.copy()
        while path:
            next_key = path.pop(0)
            attributes = attributes[next_key]
    return set(attributes["properties"].keys())

handle_query_params(self, params)

Parse and interpret the backend-agnostic query parameter models into a dictionary that can be used by the specific backend.


Currently this method returns the pymongo interpretation of the parameters, which will need modification for modified for other backends.


Name Type Description Default
params Union[EntryListingQueryParams, SingleEntryQueryParams]

The initialized query parameter model from the server.



Type Description

If too large of a page limit is provided.


If an invalid request is made, e.g., with incorrect fields or response format.


Type Description

A dictionary representation of the query parameters, ready to be used by pymongo.

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def handle_query_params(
    self, params: Union[EntryListingQueryParams, SingleEntryQueryParams]
) -> dict:
    """Parse and interpret the backend-agnostic query parameter models into a dictionary
    that can be used by the specific backend.

        Currently this method returns the pymongo interpretation of the parameters,
        which will need modification for modified for other backends.

        params (Union[EntryListingQueryParams, SingleEntryQueryParams]): The initialized query parameter model from the server.

        Forbidden: If too large of a page limit is provided.
        BadRequest: If an invalid request is made, e.g., with incorrect fields
            or response format.

        A dictionary representation of the query parameters, ready to be used by pymongo.

    cursor_kwargs = {}

    if getattr(params, "filter", False):
        tree = self.parser.parse(params.filter)
        cursor_kwargs["filter"] = self.transformer.transform(tree)
        cursor_kwargs["filter"] = {}

    if (
        getattr(params, "response_format", False)
        and params.response_format != "json"
        raise BadRequest(
            detail=f"Response format {params.response_format} is not supported, please use response_format='json'"

    if getattr(params, "page_limit", False):
        limit = params.page_limit
        if limit > CONFIG.page_limit_max:
            raise Forbidden(
                detail=f"Max allowed page_limit is {CONFIG.page_limit_max}, you requested {limit}",
        cursor_kwargs["limit"] = limit
        cursor_kwargs["limit"] = CONFIG.page_limit

    cursor_kwargs["fields"] = self.all_fields
    cursor_kwargs["projection"] = {
        f"{self.resource_mapper.alias_for(f)}": True for f in self.all_fields

    if "_id" not in cursor_kwargs["projection"]:
        cursor_kwargs["projection"]["_id"] = False

    if getattr(params, "sort", False):
        cursor_kwargs["sort"] = self.parse_sort_params(params.sort)

    if getattr(params, "page_offset", False):
        cursor_kwargs["skip"] = params.page_offset

    return cursor_kwargs

parse_sort_params(self, sort_params)

Handles any sort parameters passed to the collection, resolving aliases and dealing with any invalid fields.


Type Description

if an invalid sort is requested.


Type Description
List[Tuple[str, int]]

A list of tuples containing the aliased field name and sort direction encoded as 1 (ascending) or -1 (descending).

Source code in optimade/server/entry_collections/
def parse_sort_params(self, sort_params) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
    """Handles any sort parameters passed to the collection,
    resolving aliases and dealing with any invalid fields.

        BadRequest: if an invalid sort is requested.

        A list of tuples containing the aliased field name and
        sort direction encoded as 1 (ascending) or -1 (descending).

    sort_spec = []
    for field in sort_params.split(","):
        sort_dir = 1
        if field.startswith("-"):
            field = field[1:]
            sort_dir = -1
        aliased_field = self.resource_mapper.alias_for(field)
        sort_spec.append((aliased_field, sort_dir))

    unknown_fields = [
        for field, _ in sort_spec
        if self.resource_mapper.alias_of(field) not in self.all_fields

    if unknown_fields:
        error_detail = "Unable to sort on unknown field{} '{}'".format(
            "s" if len(unknown_fields) > 1 else "",
            "', '".join(unknown_fields),

        # If all unknown fields are "other" provider-specific, then only provide a warning
        if all(
                re.match(r"_[a-z_0-9]+_[a-z_0-9]*", field)
                and not field.startswith(f"_{self.provider_prefix}_")
            for field in unknown_fields
            warnings.warn(error_detail, FieldValueNotRecognized)

        # Otherwise, if all fields are unknown, or some fields are unknown and do not
        # have other provider prefixes, then return 400: Bad Request
            raise BadRequest(detail=error_detail)

    # If at least one valid field has been provided for sorting, then use that
    sort_spec = tuple(
        (field, sort_dir)
        for field, sort_dir in sort_spec
        if field not in unknown_fields

    return sort_spec