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The OPTIMADE server

The server is based on MongoDB, using either pymongo or mongomock.

This is an example implementation with example data. To implement your own server see the documentation at


Add mandatory vMajor endpoints, i.e. all except versions.

Source code in optimade/server/
def add_major_version_base_url(app: FastAPI):
    """ Add mandatory vMajor endpoints, i.e. all except versions. """
    for endpoint in (info, links, references, structures, landing):
        app.include_router(endpoint.router, prefix=BASE_URL_PREFIXES["major"])


Add the following OPTIONAL prefixes/base URLs to server:


Source code in optimade/server/
def add_optional_versioned_base_urls(app: FastAPI):
    """Add the following OPTIONAL prefixes/base URLs to server:
    for version in ("minor", "patch"):
        for endpoint in (info, links, references, structures, landing):
            app.include_router(endpoint.router, prefix=BASE_URL_PREFIXES[version])