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Common query params for all Entry listing endpoints.


Name Type Description
filter str

A filter string, in the format described in section API Filtering Format Specification of the specification.

response_format str

The output format requested (see section Response Format). Defaults to the format string 'json', which specifies the standard output format described in this specification.


email_address EmailStr

An email address of the user making the request. The email SHOULD be that of a person and not an automatic system.


response_fields str

A comma-delimited set of fields to be provided in the output. If provided, these fields MUST be returned along with the REQUIRED fields. Other OPTIONAL fields MUST NOT be returned when this parameter is present.


sort str

If supporting sortable queries, an implementation MUST use the sort query parameter with format as specified by JSON API 1.0.

An implementation MAY support multiple sort fields for a single query. If it does, it again MUST conform to the JSON API 1.0 specification.

If an implementation supports sorting for an entry listing endpoint, then the /info/<entries> endpoint MUST include, for each field name <fieldname> in its<fieldname> response value that can be used for sorting, the key sortable with value true. If a field name under an entry listing endpoint supporting sorting cannot be used for sorting, the server MUST either leave out the sortable key or set it equal to false for the specific field name. The set of field names, with sortable equal to true are allowed to be used in the "sort fields" list according to its definition in the JSON API 1.0 specification. The field sortable is in addition to each property description and other OPTIONAL fields. An example is shown in the section Entry Listing Info Endpoints.

page_limit int

Sets a numerical limit on the number of entries returned. See JSON API 1.0. The API implementation MUST return no more than the number specified. It MAY return fewer. The database MAY have a maximum limit and not accept larger numbers (in which case an error code -- 403 Forbidden -- MUST be returned). The default limit value is up to the API implementation to decide.


page_offset int

RECOMMENDED for use with offset-based pagination: using page_offset and page_limit is RECOMMENDED.

Example: Skip 50 structures and fetch up to 100: /structures?page_offset=50&page_limit=100.

page_number int

RECOMMENDED for use with page-based pagination: using page_number and page_limit is RECOMMENDED. It is RECOMMENDED that the first page has number 1, i.e., that page_number is 1-based.

Example: Fetch page 2 of up to 50 structures per page: /structures?page_number=2&page_limit=50.

page_cursor int

RECOMMENDED for use with cursor-based pagination: using page_cursor and page_limit is RECOMMENDED.

page_above int

RECOMMENDED for use with value-based pagination: using page_above/page_below and page_limit is RECOMMENDED.

Example: Fetch up to 100 structures above sort-field value 4000 (in this example, server chooses to fetch results sorted by increasing id, so page_above value refers to an id value): /structures?page_above=4000&page_limit=100.

page_below int

RECOMMENDED for use with value-based pagination: using page_above/page_below and page_limit is RECOMMENDED.

include str

A server MAY implement the JSON API concept of returning compound documents by utilizing the include query parameter as specified by JSON API 1.0.

All related resource objects MUST be returned as part of an array value for the top-level included field, see the section JSON Response Schema: Common Fields.

The value of include MUST be a comma-separated list of "relationship paths", as defined in the JSON API. If relationship paths are not supported, or a server is unable to identify a relationship path a 400 Bad Request response MUST be made.

The default value for include is references. This means references entries MUST always be included under the top-level field included as default, since a server assumes if include is not specified by a client in the request, it is still specified as include=references. Note, if a client explicitly specifies include and leaves out references, references resource objects MUST NOT be included under the top-level field included, as per the definition of included, see section JSON Response Schema: Common Fields.

Note: A query with the parameter include set to the empty string means no related resource objects are to be returned under the top-level field included.

api_hint str

If the client provides the parameter, the value SHOULD have the format vMAJOR or vMAJOR.MINOR, where MAJOR is a major version and MINOR is a minor version of the API. For example, if a client appends api_hint=v1.0 to the query string, the hint provided is for major version 1 and minor version 0.


Common query params for single entry endpoints.


Name Type Description
response_format str

The output format requested (see section Response Format). Defaults to the format string 'json', which specifies the standard output format described in this specification.


email_address EmailStr

An email address of the user making the request. The email SHOULD be that of a person and not an automatic system.


response_fields str

A comma-delimited set of fields to be provided in the output. If provided, these fields MUST be returned along with the REQUIRED fields. Other OPTIONAL fields MUST NOT be returned when this parameter is present.


include str

A server MAY implement the JSON API concept of returning compound documents by utilizing the include query parameter as specified by JSON API 1.0.

All related resource objects MUST be returned as part of an array value for the top-level included field, see the section JSON Response Schema: Common Fields.

The value of include MUST be a comma-separated list of "relationship paths", as defined in the JSON API. If relationship paths are not supported, or a server is unable to identify a relationship path a 400 Bad Request response MUST be made.

The default value for include is references. This means references entries MUST always be included under the top-level field included as default, since a server assumes if include is not specified by a client in the request, it is still specified as include=references. Note, if a client explicitly specifies include and leaves out references, references resource objects MUST NOT be included under the top-level field included, as per the definition of included, see section JSON Response Schema: Common Fields.

Note: A query with the parameter include set to the empty string means no related resource objects are to be returned under the top-level field included.

api_hint str

If the client provides the parameter, the value SHOULD have the format vMAJOR or vMAJOR.MINOR, where MAJOR is a major version and MINOR is a minor version of the API. For example, if a client appends api_hint=v1.0 to the query string, the hint provided is for major version 1 and minor version 0.