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retrieve_queryable_properties(schema, queryable_properties)

Recurisvely loops through the schema of a pydantic model and resolves all references, returning a dictionary of all the OPTIMADE-queryable properties of that model.


Name Type Description Default
schema dict

The schema of the pydantic model.

queryable_properties list

The list of properties to find in the schema.



Type Description

A flat dictionary with properties as keys, containing the field description, unit, sortability, support level, queryability and type, where provided.

Source code in optimade/server/
def retrieve_queryable_properties(schema: dict, queryable_properties: list) -> dict:
    """Recurisvely loops through the schema of a pydantic model and
    resolves all references, returning a dictionary of all the
    OPTIMADE-queryable properties of that model.

        schema: The schema of the pydantic model.
        queryable_properties: The list of properties to find in the schema.

        A flat dictionary with properties as keys, containing the field
        description, unit, sortability, support level, queryability
        and type, where provided.

    properties = {}
    for name, value in schema["properties"].items():
        if name in queryable_properties:
            if "$ref" in value:
                path = value["$ref"].split("/")[1:]
                sub_schema = schema.copy()
                while path:
                    next_key = path.pop(0)
                    sub_schema = sub_schema[next_key]
                sub_queryable_properties = sub_schema["properties"].keys()
                    retrieve_queryable_properties(sub_schema, sub_queryable_properties)
                properties[name] = {"description": value.get("description", "")}
                # Update schema with extension keys provided they are not None
                for key in [_ for _ in ("unit", "queryable", "support") if _ in value]:
                    properties[name][key] = value[key]
                # All properties are sortable with the MongoDB backend.
                # While the result for sorting lists may not be as expected, they are still sorted.
                properties[name]["sortable"] = value.get("sortable", True)
                # Try to get OpenAPI-specific "format" if possible, else get "type"; a mandatory OpenAPI key.
                properties[name]["type"] = DataType.from_json_type(
                    value.get("format", value["type"])

    return properties