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This submodule defines constant values and definitions from the OPTIMADE specification for use by the validator.

The VALIDATOR_CONFIG object can be imported and modified before calling the validator inside a Python script to customise the hardcoded values.

ValidatorConfig (BaseSettings) pydantic-model

This class stores validator config parameters in a way that can be easily modified for testing niche implementations. Many of these fields are determined by the specification directly, but it may be desirable to modify them in certain cases.

entry_schemas: Dict[str, Any] pydantic-field

The entry listing endpoint schemas

enum_fallback_values: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] pydantic-field

Provide fallback values for enum fields to use when validating filters.

exclusive_operators: Dict[optimade.models.optimade_json.DataType, Set[str]] pydantic-field

Dictionary mapping OPTIMADE DataTypes to a list of operators that are 'exclusive', i.e. those that should not return entries with the matching value from the filter.

inclusive_operators: Dict[optimade.models.optimade_json.DataType, Set[str]] pydantic-field

Dictionary mapping OPTIMADE DataTypes to a list of operators that are 'inclusive', i.e. those that should return entries with the matching value from the filter.

info_endpoint: str pydantic-field

The name of the info endpoint

The name of the links endpoint

non_entry_endpoints: Set[str] pydantic-field

The list specification-mandated endpoint names that do not contain entries

response_classes: Dict[str, Any] pydantic-field

Dictionary containing the mapping between endpoints and response classes for the main database

response_classes_index: Dict[str, Any] pydantic-field

Dictionary containing the mapping between endpoints and response classes for the index meta-database

top_level_non_attribute_fields: Set[str] pydantic-field

Field names to treat as top-level

unique_properties: Set[str] pydantic-field

Fields that should be treated as unique indexes for all endpoints, i.e. fields on which filters should return at most one entry.

versions_endpoint: str pydantic-field

The name of the versions endpoint