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Using the OPTIMADE client

This package includes a Python client that can be used to query multiple OPTIMADE APIs simultaneously, whilst automatically paginating through the results of each query. The client can be used from the command-line (optimade-get), or called in Python code.

The client does not currently validate the returned data it comes back from the databases, and as some OPTIMADE APIs do not implement all features, it is worth paying attention to any error messages emitted by each database.


This list outlines the current and planned features for the client:

  • Query multiple OPTIMADE APIs simultaneously and asynchronously, with support for different endpoints, filters, sorting and response fields.
  • Automatically paginate through the results for each query.
  • Validate filters against the OPTIMADE grammar before they are sent to each database.
  • Count the number of results for a query without downloading them all.
  • Cache the results for queries to disk, and use them in future sessions without making new requests (achieved via callbacks).
  • Validate the results against the optimade-python-tools models and export into other supported formats (ASE, pymatgen, CIF, AiiDA).
  • Enable asynchronous use in cases where there is already a running event loop (e.g., inside a Jupyter notebook).
  • Support for querying databases indirectly via an OPTIMADE gateway server.


The client requires some extra dependencies that can be installed with the PyPI package with

pip install optimade[http_client]
or from a local copy of the repository with
pip install -e .[http_client]


By default, the client will query all OPTIMADE API URLs that it can find via the Providers list:

optimade-get --filter 'elements HAS "Ag"'
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient()
results = client.get('elements HAS "Ag"')

At the command line, it may be immediately useful to redirect or save these results to a file:

# Save the results to a JSON file directly
optimade-get --filter 'elements HAS "Ag"' --output-file results.json
# or redirect the results (in a POSIX shell)
optimade-get --filter 'elements HAS "Ag"' > results.json

We can refine the search by manually specifying some URLs:

optimade-get --output-file results.json
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(
    base_urls=["", ""]

or by including/excluding some providers by their registered IDs in the Providers list.

Query only a list of included providers (after a lookup of the providers list):

# Only query databases served by the example providers
optimade-get --include-providers exmpl,optimade
# Only query databases served by the example providers
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(
    include_providers={"exmpl", "optimade"},

Exclude certain providers:

# Exclude example providers from global list
optimade-get --exclude-providers exmpl,optimade
# Exclude example providers from global list
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(
    exclude_providers={"exmpl", "optimade"},

Exclude particular databases by URL:

# Exclude specific example databases
optimade-get --exclude-databases,
# Exclude specific example databases
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(
    exclude_databases={"", ""}


By default, an empty filter will be used (which will return all entries in a database). You can specify your desired filter as follows (note the quotation marks):

optimade-get --filter 'elements HAS "Ag" AND nsites < 2' --output-file results.json
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient()
client.get('elements HAS "Ag" AND nsites < 2')

The filter will be validated against the optimade-python-tools reference grammar before it is sent to the underlying servers.

Accessing the results

At the command-line, the results of the query will be printed to stdout, ready to be redirected to a file or piped into another program. For example:

optimade-get --filter 'nsites = 1' --output-file results.json
cat results.json

has the following (truncated) output:

  // The endpoint that was queried
  "structures": {
    // The filter applied to that endpoint
    "nsites = 1": {
      // The base URL of the OPTIMADE API
      "": {
        // The OPTIMADE API response as if called with an infinite `page_limit`
        "data": [
            "id": "mpf_1",
            "type": "structures",
            "attributes": {
            "relationships": {
        "errors": [],
        "links": {
          "next": null,
          "prev": null
        "included": [
        "meta": {

The response is broken down by queried endpoint, filter and then base URL so that the query URL can be easily reconstructed. This is the same format as the cached results of the Python client:

from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(base_urls="")
client.get('nsites = 1')
client.get('nsites = 2')

will return a dictionary with top-level keys:

    "structures": {
        "nsites = 1": {
            "": {...}
        "nsites = 2": {
            "": {...}

For a given session, this cache can be written and reloaded into an OPTIMADE client object to avoid needing to repeat queries.


In a future release, this cache will be automatically restored from disk and will obey defined cache lifetimes.

Querying other endpoints

The client can also query other endpoints, rather than just the default /structures endpoint. This includes any provider-specific extensions/<example> endpoints that may be implemented at a given base URL, which can be found listed at the corresponding /info endpoint for that database.

In the CLI, this is done with the --endpoint flag. In the Python interface, the different endpoints can be queried as attributes of the client class or equivalently as a paramter to client.get() or client.count() (see below).

optimade-get --endpoint "structures"
optimade-get --endpoint "references"
optimade-get --endpoint "info"
optimade-get --endpoint "info/structures"
optimade-get --endpoint "extensions/properties"
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient()


Listing the properties served by a database

You can also retrieve the list of properties served by a database using the --list-properties flag:

optimade-get --list-properties structures --include-providers odbx
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient(include_providers={"odbx"})

and do simple string matching filtering of the response:

optimade-get --list-properties structures --search-property gap
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient()

Limiting the number of responses

Querying all OPTIMADE APIs without limiting the number of entries can result in a lot of data. The client will limit the number of results returned per database to the value of max_results_per_provider (defaults: 1000 for Python, 10 for CLI). This limit will be enforced up to a difference of the default page limit for the underlying OPTIMADE API (which is used everywhere). This parameter can be controlled via the --max-results-per-provider 10 at the CLI, or as an argument to OptimadeClient(max_results_per_provider=10).

Setting this to a value of -1 or 0 (or additionally None, if using the Python interface) will remove the limit on the number of results per provider. In the CLI, this setting should be used alongside --output-file or redirection to avoid overflowing your terminal!

Counting the number of responses without downloading

Downloading all the results for a given query can require hundreds or thousands of requests, depending on the number of results and the database's page limit. It is possible to just count the number of results before downloading the entries themselves, which only requires 1 request per database. This is achieved via the --count flag in the CLI, or the .count() method in the Python interface. We can use this to repeat the queries from the OPTIMADE paper:

optimade-get \
    --count \
    --filter 'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn", "Pb"' \
    --filter 'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn", "Pb" AND nelements=2' \
    --filter 'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn" AND NOT elements HAS "Pb" AND elements LENGTH 3'
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient
client = OptimadeClient()
filters = [
    'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn", "Pb"',
    'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn", "Pb" AND nelements=2'
    'elements HAS ANY "C", "Si", "Ge", "Sn" AND NOT elements HAS "Pb" AND elements LENGTH 3'
for f in filters:

which, at the timing of writing, yields the results:

  "structures": {
    "elements HAS ANY \"C\", \"Si\", \"Ge\", \"Sn\", \"Pb\"": {
      "": null,
      "": 436062,
      "": 487,
      "": 1427,
      "": 0,
      "": 3719,
      "": null,
      "": 9592,
      "": 1093,
      "": 4395,
      "": 0,
      "": 348,
      "": 503,
      "": 30351,
      "": null,
      "": 4451056,
      "": 55,
      "": 58718,
      "": null,
      "": null,
      "": 2632,
      "": 1172
    "elements HAS ANY \"C\", \"Si\", \"Ge\", \"Sn\", \"Pb\" AND nelements=2": {
      "": 63011,
      "": 3968,
      "": 2,
      "": 779,
      "": 0,
      "": 334,
      "": null,
      "": 1566,
      "": 276,
      "": 24,
      "": 0,
      "": 0,
      "": 0,
      "": 3728,
      "": null,
      "": 587923,
      "": 54,
      "": 690,
      "": null,
      "": null,
      "": 296,
      "": 739
    "elements HAS ANY \"C\", \"Si\", \"Ge\", \"Sn\" AND NOT elements HAS \"Pb\" AND elements LENGTH 3": {
      "": null,
      "": 33776,
      "": 0,
      "": 378,
      "": 0,
      "": 144,
      "": null,
      "": 4398,
      "": 74,
      "": 1447,
      "": 0,
      "": 0,
      "": 0,
      "": 11559,
      "": null,
      "": 2092989,
      "": 0,
      "": 7428,
      "": null,
      "": null,
      "": 661,
      "": 255


In Python, the client can also be initialized with a list of callbacks. These will be executed after every request and will have access to the JSON response and the request URL.

For example, callbacks be used, to save to a file or write to a database, without having to pull all the results into memory. Care should be taken if combining an asynchronous client with callbacks, as the callbacks may depend on the execution order of various asynchronous requests and the callbacks themselves may be blocking.

# Write a callback that saves into a MongoDB (fake or otherwise)
import mongomock as pymongo
from optimade.client import OptimadeClient

db = pymongo.MongoClient().database.structures

def write_to_db(url, results):
    for entry in results["data"]:
        entry["immutable_id"] = url

client = OptimadeClient(callbacks=[write_to_db], silent=True)



Callbacks can also optionally return a dictionary of data that can be used by the client.

Currently the supported keys are:

  • next (string): To override the next URL returned by the API. This can be used to dynamically change queries based on the results, or to skip pages that have already been queried previously.
  • advance_results (integer): To skip the progress bar forward by the set amount.

When multiple callbacks are provided, only the final callback will have its result captured.