OPTIMADE provider "The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD)" (id: oqmd
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General information
Short description: The OQMD is a database of DFT calculated thermodynamic and structural properties of materials
Project homepage: https://oqmd.org
Index Meta-Database URL:
Number of structures: 1,226,781
Detailed information
)State of the /info
endpoint of the index meta-database
Index metaDB versionVersion of the index meta-database
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)State of the /links
endpoint of the index meta-database
Databases served by this provider
The OQMD (
oqmd, default sub-database
)The Open Quantum Materials Database endpointProperties served by this database:
By entry type (click to expand):-
- The full list of standard OPTIMADE properties.
Unit: eV
Description: Electronic bandgap value of the structure
Type: float
Description: ID of the OQMD Calculation object. Can be used to see further details at oqmd.org/analysis/calculation/OQMDCalcID (Replace OQMDCalcID with the ID value)
Type: integer
Unit: eV/atom
Description: Formation energy of the structure
Type: float
Description: Ordered list of site-positions relative to the unti cell, occupied by atoms given in the property species_at_sites
Type: list
Description: ID of the OQMD Entry object. Can be used to see further details at oqmd.org/materials/entry/OQMDEntryID (Replace OQMDEntryID with the ID value)
Type: integer
Description: ICSD ID of the structure - if it a structure obtained from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)
Type: integer
Description: Structural prototype used in the OQMD to generate this structure
Type: string
Description: Spacegroup of the structure
Type: string
Unit: eV/atom
Description: Stability data from formation energy value. The structure is predicted to be computationally stable if the value is zero.
Type: float
Unit: Ao^3
Description: Volume of the structure
Type: float
ValidationResults of validation Passed 29 / 38
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?page_limit=4&response_fields=nsites,nperiodic_dimensions,dimension_types,immutable_id,chemical_formula_descriptive,elements,chemical_formula_reduced,species,last_modified,nelements,species_at_sites,elements_ratios,lattice_vectors,chemical_formula_anonymous,cartesian_site_positions,structure_features,chemical_formula_hill,assemblies
ValidationError: 4 validation errors for ValidatorStructureResponseMany
Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=4061142, input_type=int]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/string_type
Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=4061145, input_type=int]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/string_type
Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=4061148, input_type=int]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/string_type
Input should be a valid string [type=string_type, input_value=4061151, input_type=int]
For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.10/v/string_type
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=chemical_formula_reduced%20%3E=%20%22Ne%22
ResponseError: Supposedly inclusive query 'chemical_formula_reduced >= "Ne"' did not include original entry ID 4061202 (with field 'chemical_formula_reduced' = Ne) potentially indicating a problem with filtering on this field.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=chemical_formula_anonymous%20%3E=%20%22A%22
ResponseError: Supposedly inclusive query 'chemical_formula_anonymous >= "A"' did not include original entry ID 4061202 (with field 'chemical_formula_anonymous' = A) potentially indicating a problem with filtering on this field.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=nperiodic_dimensions%20%3E=%203
ResponseError: Request to 'structures?filter=nperiodic_dimensions >= 3' returned HTTP status code 502.
Additional details from implementation:
Could not parse response as JSON. Content type was 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=nperiodic_dimensions%20%3E=%203
ResponseError: Unable to perform mandatory query 'nperiodic_dimensions >= 3', which raised the error: ResponseError: Request to 'structures?filter=nperiodic_dimensions >= 3' returned HTTP status code 502.
Additional details from implementation:
Could not parse response as JSON. Content type was 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=structure_features%20HAS%20%22disorder%22
DashboardTimeoutException: Validation timed out after 600 seconds. The validation run did not complete and results should be externally verified.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=structure_features%20HAS%20%22disorder%22
ResponseError: Unable to perform mandatory query 'structure_features HAS "disorder"', which raised the error: DashboardTimeoutException: Validation timed out after 600 seconds. The validation run did not complete and results should be externally verified.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=chemical_formula_descriptive%20%3E=%20%22Ne%22
ResponseError: Supposedly inclusive query 'chemical_formula_descriptive >= "Ne"' did not include original entry ID 4061202 (with field 'chemical_formula_descriptive' = Ne) potentially indicating a problem with filtering on this field.
❌ https://oqmd.org/optimade/v1/structures?filter=crazyfield%20=%202
ResponseError: Request to 'structures?filter=crazyfield = 2' returned HTTP status code 501.
Additional details from implementation: